Fortitude Performance

How To Keep Up Your Training Over The Festive Season

How do we keep training over the festive season?

Spending the whole year staying on track by training hard and getting good results should not be sidetracked by enjoying the festive season. Furthermore being able to stay on track does not have to be that hard because stepping back and applying a few strategies can be an easy fix.

We have your back and will go through some simple strategies to make sure you keep training over the festive season and keep dropping fat and building muscle.

You Don’t Want To Lose Your Training Results Over The Festive Season Right?

Above all we are about to come to a wonderful time of the year where there will be many social, family and spontaneous occasions. As a result this can play havoc on the set schedule we have for our own training or in contrast we tend to fit it in throughout the week. Furthermore having the best of intentions to keep training over the festive season can be thrown out the window with a few big occasions and catch-ups.

The festive season can last from December through to January and missing multiple sessions or weeks is ill advised. This is ill advised because when you train the most important part is continuity and momentum to keep results and even improve.

Either come out of the festive season either

  • having low energy
  • added body fat
  • lost muscle
  • lost strength

or we can have the opposite – I know what I want.

How To Keep Training Over The Festive Season

Plan Ahead

Firstly some forward planning can be super important at this time of year to come up with a simple framework for training. A framework is important because it lets you work towards targets for the month and keeps you on track.

Furthermore you will use the framework of target amount of sessions to hit for the week or month as a simple and effective strategy. The main reason this works is because it gives you enough flexibility to change your sessions schedule ahead of time. For example If you want to complete 12 sessions for the month (3 per week).  You may have some weeks where you need to complete 4 sessions per week. While other weeks you can only complete 2 sessions.

As a result by the end of the month you will still be able to complete your target sessions for the month. The framework of having target amount of sessions to hit for the month allows you to still be successful.

Change Up Your Training Goal

Secondly unless you are training for a specific goal – a competition or show – then changing up your training goal can be a good option.

For most clients I train there lifting goals are either to focus on building muscle or getting stronger. While these goals are not mutually exclusive if you training is more haphazard over the festive season it may be more productive to focus on building muscle. Building muscle may be the obvious choice because you get to take advantage of a few things that are going in your favour over the festive season.

  • There is a good chance that you will be in a calorie surplus over festive weeks – as long as you get enough protein (1.7-2.2 grams/kg/bw) you may actually be able to use this to your muscle gain advantage.
  • Sessions focused on building muscle will allow you to have consecutive training days if needed in your schedule.
  • If you have been focusing on increasing strength throughout the year it will be a good chance for your body to recover and bring up some weak points.

Don’t Miss Sessions – Just Turn Up

Lastly a really effective strategy can be just turn up!

Take advantage of planning ahead and even when you feel crappy just turn up. This can be an effective strategy because it keeps your momentum going. Also if you can hit the gym when you are feeling crappy and make it part of routine during tougher periods it will be easier in other periods of the year.

You always have the motivation and drive within yourself to do things that can feel like a chore or suck. We do these things all the time and we do them because we always feel better for it both physically and mentally after.

In Closing

Training is an all year round thing not just training over the festive season. Just because we come to a busier part of the year does not mean you drop the ball.

Adapt yourself to your current schedule, responsibilities and engagements. By taking ownership and planning ahead, changing your goal and just turning up you can keep that momentum and drive in your training.

If you need some help this festive season – check out our 28 Day INTENTION Program

It is the action takers that will move forward and progress to having the body they deserve and want.

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